Make Web Optimization Efforts Count Using Top Methods to Create Synergy

The world of website optimization is a virtual labyrinth of information about applied, but rarely tested, theory. Navigating through the white papers, blog posts, and open discussions about the major concentrations of this area can be a dizzying experience. Wicked Sciences provides services geared toward helping make great decisions without wasting valuable resources.

Services in Website Optimization Include:

  • Home and Landing Page Load Analysis – Improved load time leads to immediate decrease in bounce, fall-out and attrition. Careful analysis can point out areas of highest potential gains.
  • Website Architecture & Taxonomy Modeling – Often this is the most overlooked aspect of a site. Knowing how your pages interact with the top level subject can create a logical flow of information building authority.
  • Script Code Compression – Scripts and other non essential HTML content need not dilute the value of your written word. Limit their detriment by compression and calling.
  • Off-Site Content Serving/Distribution – Big images, scripts and applications can slow your page to a crawl. Finding an appropriate host for handling large files can mean big success in key areas of visitor retention.
  • Global Elements Testing – Test and know what parts of your template are impacting your visitor and how to improve them. Wicked has specialized methodologies for multivariate and A/B testing these important facets of websites.

Our methodologies have proven their merit time and time again. Research has provided a solid foundation for our clients to streamline their site. By taking advantage of our catalog of published case studies and white papers, you can craft an idea of where we plan on taking your site and the types of ways in which we plan on doing it. It seems we never run short on angles or challenges.

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These days, being successful on the internet means presenting the audience with content AND performance. Great sites are made up of great pages. Good pages provide recognizable relative content. These should meet, even exceed, the expectations of the user as well as be served up in a short time. In order to make a good decision for the pages on your site, you need to be willing to test each facet of where your visitors are going. You should test it, then test it again, and then, when you are confident you have a good page…test it again. Falling asleep on some major application not loading right or leaving major site function to chance is not advisable, and, in most cases, costly.

Your website is a functional organism built for providing a means to information. Your customers, visitors, affiliates, vendors, interested parties, or investors are out there everywhere. They scour your sitemap and content looking for any piece of knowledge they can acquire to understand you, your product and your brand. Why send them on a goose-hunt?

About Author

Teacher, programmer, AI advocate, fan of One Piece and pretends to know how to cook. Michael graduated Computer Science and in the years 2019 and 2020 he was involved in several projects coordinated by the municipal education department, where the focus was to introduce students from the public network to the world of programming and robotics. Today he is a writer at Wicked Sciences, but says that his heart will always belong to Python.